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  • May 24, 2016 1 min read

    Fete (4.5%)

    Rich Golden Ale. Fetch the bunting, light the barbecues, we're declaring summer officially open.  More floral than an Hawaiian shirt, this ale is packed with bold aromatic flavours. Mouth watering citrus and grapefruit notes pour from Amercian Cascade hops creating this refreshing golden nectar.

    Fete (4.5%) is our first single-hop ale and has already sold out in cask.  We have just re-brewed it don't worry and we've bottled some for you to keep close to hand for an instant pick-me-up.

    The Queen is celebrating (again) in a couple of weeks and what better beer to serve at your Village Fete than er... Fete?!  Think summer parties...Fete is best served with good friends and sunshine.

    Bottle-conditioned ale available in our web shop online or in our Brewery Shop on East Street, Braintree (open weekdays from 9am-4.30pm)