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    Mini-casks are small (8.5pt) versions of the 9-gallon casks we send to pubs, filled exactly the same way with the same beer and live yeasts that give a soft carbonation (or ‘conditioning’) to the beer.

    Mini-casks will usually have approximately 4 weeks shelf-life (un-opened) from when they leave the brewery. The best before date can be found on the base.

    Once opened, the contents are best consumed within 2-3 days and the mini-cask kept cool and steady.

    Keep the beer cool – we suggest around 10-13 degrees.

    Setting up the box – place box onto a firm and steady surface where you plan to serve from, slightly tilt it forward (try propping it with a hard back book under the back edge) and open the flap around the perforations to reveal the tap.

    Allow your beer to settle. (Our beer normally settles within about eight hours but, ideally, we’d suggest leaving 24 hours between setting up the beer and serving).


    We offer a Standard National Delivery (goods received within 3-5 working days). We will let you know when your order is ready for dispatch.

    We welcome visitors to our brewery shop which is open Mondays to Saturdays from 9am-4.30pm.  Pre-order online and we will let you know when your beer is ready for collection.  Or just come and browse. We have the facility for contactless payment and the transaction can take place outside.

    If you would like to pop in and buy some of our beers we have a shop at the brewery which is open Monday to Saturday, 9am - 4.30pm.

    We also offer Brew Day Experience days for 1-2 people – see Brewery Day Experience for more details.