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  • January 19, 2021 1 min read

    We are open, brewing and delivering as usual and it is so nice seeing the odd customer pop in.  Our drivers are getting to know the back streets of Essex very well and we thank all our online customers for their support.  To brighten up your January we have brought back our extra-pale blond ale from early last year.  FLAXEN (blond ale) was a big hit and we now have it available in mini-cask, minipin and polypin.  We are waiting for bottles to come back and hope that will be soon.  Keep an eye out.  FLAXEN (blond ale) is a crisp and refreshing straw coloured ale with a long hoppy finish.  First brewed last March we decided to bring it back as it proved a real hit.

    On the other end of the colour spectrum we've got our deliciously dark DEVOUT back in bottle too after a brief hiatus.  This 4.5 stout is a sumptuously smooth winter warmer with a bittersweet finish and we have that in 500ml bottle, 9pt mini-cask, 18pt minipin and 36pt polypin.

    With plenty of stock of our core beers, we have something for everyone.  Why not try a mixed case if undecided or fancy a variety.